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Avatar 2006-05-27'den beri
Age: 32
United States - VA
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"So put this 12 gage to my head and watch my heart explode..."

See My Albums (1)

Vintage Fairy Hiya, the names Nichole....Amber Nichole
Vintage Fairy You can call me an interesting person
Vintage Fairy Because Im really not normal
Vintage Fairy im actually kind of strange
Vintage Fairy Do you like Dane Cook? Good, we can be friends now
Vintage Fairy If you're a closeminded person, i really wont waste my time with you, sorry
Vintage Fairy I'm a proud Christian, i might even try to convert you, but thats alright, you'll be happier that way (promise)
Vintage Fairy Just a tip, dont diss emo people around me. All my best friends are emo, so just dont do it if you value your life.
Vintage Fairy I'm not the kind of girl you can just use and push around. You push me, i punch back
Vintage Fairy I'm a feminist, but dont take that the wrong way, I'm no femi-nazi
Vintage Fairy I really like making new freinds. So message me, I'd love to get to know you

♥My Friends. My Loves. My Heros♥
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThis is Brooke. She is my BEAUTIFUL best freind. NOBODY has ever been a better freind than her. Shes been there for me since 6th grade and no matter what happens, we always find a way to stay freinds. I've never met a more honest, kind, caring, true person in my life. I'm lucky to have her as my best freind and I'm so happy. Hehe Amber&Aiden emo kids for life <3 love you Brookie. Click for profile
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting This would be the Rob. lol. I'm closer to him than almost everyone and I do love him (we dated). Although we have had our fights (trust me) we manage to stay great freinds.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Thats Spitz, aka: Allie. Shes a GREAT freind, with a great sense of humor, one of my better freinds. Its ashame shes leaving FA, leaving me to suffer spanish 3 alone, haha j/k.
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Thats Maxy. My best guy freind in the world. I dont know what I would do without him. Hes fun to talk to and he makes a lot of sense with his advice. I love him soo much ( as a freind of course) My fellow cabbage eater.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Thats Michael! (if only he would show his face lmao)Hes my budday! We dated wayy back and we just started talking again and all that mess. I luv him to death and Im so glad we're freinds again. I dont know what i would do without this boy.
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Thats Megaannnnnnnnnnnnnnn. She rocks my socks. IF i dont go back to FA next year im realllly gonna miss her. ps. Her and Josh are sooooo cute together <3
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Uhh ya, that would be Lauren gettin outrageous at Prom. So Lauren is pretty much one of the funniest people I know because of her overwhelming sarcasm (i love it, lol)oh ya, and if you dont like her, you suck.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Thats Courtney, one of FA's finest. Shes one of the better people you will ever meet, and shes a lot of fun and great to get along with. Wanna hear some Skeeter Davis?
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[L] Pink Green DreadsWBlack/Green Long GothTspacerspacerspacer
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