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Avatar sejak: 2006-06-08
Age: 35
Amerika Serikat - TX
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"I reject your reality. ^_^"

Lihat Album Saya (1)

Merry meet, my dear friends! I am Mothyr Witch, also known as Witchy. ^-^ I am a married woman of nineteen, and I am married to the man of my dreams. We will have been married for one year as of this May, and we've been together six years now. This means, you guessed it boys, I'm taken, and am not in the least bit interested in finding someone else to entertain me. ^-^ Any attempts to attract my "affection" will be ignored, or in the worst cases--entirely rejected and earn you a "blocked" spot.

I am a Pagan Witch, and follow the moral standards of Wicca, though I won't call myself Wiccan as it is. ^-^ It's a complicated matter...mayhaps we'll be able to talk about it in chat! ^-^ I don't intend to change my beliefs any time soon, but I also try to welcome change whenever it's needed. Please, know that I take my religion very seriously, and I do not joke around with it. I do not appreciate "playgans" butchering my religion, and I will not stand for it at all. Please do not insult my religion, or my beliefs, and I will offer you the same respect. ^-^

Teman-temanku (2)

These are my dearest friends. I would very much appreciate it if you would visit them as you did my page. However, if you are insistent on harrassing them, we will have words. Blessed be, my darlings!
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Yes, I have a wishlist. No, I do not expect you to buy anything for me. I do appreciate all gifts, and will happily accept them, however. Please, the few of you who do--don't feel obligated. I love you for who you are, not what you give me. Blessed be my sweets!
Pen Dragon (Blaque)Japan myoumi manorJapan Eiga highrisespacerspacer

Layout and images (stickers notwithstanding) created by Mothyr Witch. No sticky fingers! ^_~

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I am always pleased to see new messages, so feel free to leave me a note! However please, if you've nothing more to say than "hi, how are you?" wait until you've something to start a conversation with. Thank you, and blessed be!
hubungi pesan tambahkan kontak selanjutnya Blokir

Quite inescapable granduer. Inescapable indeed. :P
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generosity kedermawanan 35

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These people were kind enough to visit my home. Including you! Thank you for visiting, I pray you'll return someday. Blessed be!
A few things that intrigue and/or interest me. Don't expect a full list - I find something new almost every day. However these are some of my die-hard, since-gradeschool interests, so they shouldn't change. So, do we have anything in common?
love, People, Art, music Celtic, anti-stereotype, anime, nature, wicca, paganism, Family, Astrology, philosophy, Witchcraft, gardening, literature, theology, Ancient Cultures, New Age, dream research, intelligent conversation

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